NFS, Council of Nordic Trade Unions, 2017

Strengthening workers’ rights in the Baltic Sea region is a strategic priority for the trade union movement in the Nordic countries and it has been so ever since the Baltic States gained their independence in 1991. Cross-border cooperation is becoming increasingly important for social and economic development in a globalising world where business and political decision-making have long ago transcended national borders. To counterbalance the globalisation of capital and labour markets, trade unions need to work together across national borders. This time, we have chosen to do so by looking at the very foundation of trade union activity, which is the same in all countries of the region and based on international human-rights instruments, such as the ILO conventions.

In the autumn of 2016, the Council of Nordic Trade Unions (NFS) initiated the project An analysis of the Baltic States: Determining whether any given legislation or practice complies with the ILO Core Conventions and Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation. The aim of the project has been to assess the implementation and practice of ILO core Conventions and Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and to develop a strategy for strengthening workers’ rights in the region. This publication contains all the written reports and analyses produced within the scope of this project…

Based on the project conclusions, a number of recommendations were drafted in the form of an action plan, adopted by the Nordic and Baltic trade union confederations. These recommendations can be found in the document “Baltic-Nordic Action Plan”…