The Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia Resource Hub on Business & Human Rights (CEECA Resource Hub) is a collaborative space for activists, practitioners, businesspersons, governments, affected communities, and other stakeholders to share their insight and experience on topics related to business and human rights.
The CEECA Resource Hub is jointly maintained by the Central & Eastern European Business & Human Rights Association (CEEBHRA) and the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. We also thank the Danish Institute for Human Rights for providing us with resources.
Click here to learn more about how to get involved.
CEEBHRA is a regional association of academics, business and civil society professionals and policymakers united to promote research, awareness raising, capacity building and teaching of human rights in business context in Central & Eastern Europe.
We welcome academics, business and civil society professionals and policymakers with expertise in Business and Human Rights (Members) from all countries belonging to Eastern Europe group of states at the United Nations. We also welcome students interested in the Business and Human Rights field to join as Student Members.
For more information on CEEBHRA, visit this page. If you would like to learn more about the Association and become a member, please contact: for a registration form.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Established in 2002, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is the leading global non-profit on business and human rights. Our aims are to empower advocates in civil society and business, strengthen corporate accountability and build corporate transparency.
Our regional researchers – located all over the world – go to local communities to understand the impacts of businesses on the ground, and regularly talk with businesspeople and government officials. We are also the global hub for resources and guidance for action by business.
The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre tracks the human rights impacts of over 10,000 companies in more than 180 countries. With an audience of more than 2 million users per year, our digital platform links to reports about positive initiatives by companies as well as reports about concerns that have been raised by civil society.
For further details, please see the about us section of our website.

Danish Institute for Human Rights
The Danish Institute for Human Rights assisted in the development of the CEECA Resource Hub by providing us with tools, resources, and guidance.
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution thats mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. DIHR works directly with state actors to increase their knowledge and capacity. It supports the development and implementation of national action plans as well as legislation and policies, including for managing human rights risks in public procurement of goods and services.
DIHR engages with companies on their efforts to identify, act on, track and communicate their negative impacts on human rights. On the back of direct engagement with companies, DIHR produces tools and guidance that are publicly available to support business actors to address human rights issues. DIHR also develops tools and analysis to inform, inspire and guide businesses on how to contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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